A music composer from Italy, Gianfranco Tronu, self-taught, has written music in a variety of genres, including Jazz, Smooth Jazz, Latin Jazz,Pop, Rock, Blues and Reggae.
Music composer, computer programmer expert in artificial vocals and Vocaloid's programmer.
He has an agreement with Soundreef in Italy, Noma Music in Los Angeles,Tency Music in Paris and Express In Music in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
Official Youtube Partner where utilizes a variety of instruments, software and Artificial Intelligence to create realistic performance of all music instruments and plays drum and keyboards.
His music is influenced by Jazz, Smooth Jazz, Latin Jazz, Soul, Rock and Reggae.
If you want to know more you can ask Microsoft's AI "Copilot" at the following link:
Official Website:
Artificial Singers
Artificial Singer
Official Youtube Partner:
Official Youtube Partner
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Vocaloid's Programmer
Computer's Programmer

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